Tag - bee and wasp removal

Article Collection for bee and wasp removal. All of the article listed here are solution for bee and wasp removal.

Difference Stinging Insects

Bee and Wasp Removal 101: Spot the Difference between Those Stinging Insects

There’s a lot of buzzing around your house lately, but you can’t tell if those are wasps or bees. It’s easy to confuse these insects for one another— they both sting, they attack when provoked, and they’re unwelcome, dangerous pests that require immediate bee and wasp removal. Knowing the differences between these two is important to determine the right treatment for wounds, minimize damage, and determine the next steps for pest control. Appearance Carpenter bees, bumblebees, and honey bees have a fat,...

TBM Honeycomb Removal

Are Bees Buzzing in Your Home? Here Are Five Things to Avoid As You Wait for Professional Bee Removal in Orange County

So you start seeing a few bees flying around your home. What’s the first thing you do? If it’s not to immediately call for professional bee removal in Orange County, then you’re setting yourself up for more trouble ahead. 5 Don’ts to Remember Bee and wasp removal is an issue that many homeowners will face at one time or another. It’s important to remember that ideal bee removal methods vary greatly, and without the right set of experience, skills, and tools,...

confident pest control worker

Evict Unwanted Stinging House Guests with Bee and Wasp Removal

Bees spell good news for the ecosystem, but once they take up residence near or within your property, you’re right to start feeling threatened. Now, the key here is not to panic, but to call bee and wasp removal professionals as soon as you can. But what makes the sight of bees near your home such an urgent issue? They can be dangerous. Most bees are not aggressive, but if they are provoked in any way, they will attack relentlessly. Unfortunately,...

Front View Of Flying Honey Bees In A Swarm On Green Bukeh.

Bee and Wasp Removal Experts Comb Through Five Bee and Wasp Myths

Golden, flowing honey— who doesn’t love this nutritious, tasty stuff? But as much as we like this sweet treat, most people hate the sight of bees and wasps. And who can blame them? When provoked, bees will sting humans and animals, sometimes by the hundreds or thousands. These stings are incredibly painful, and for those allergic to bee stings, can also prove life-threatening. Without expert bee and wasp removal, you risk making these pests an even bigger problem. Because of...